The Five Golden Words

The Five Golden Words Thank you, excuse me, sorry, may I, please. How many times have we heard these words? In all probability, many times a day. Well, if we, can give a formal name to these set of words, then, it ought to be Golden words or Magical words. The reason to name these words magical or Golden is, as these words have the magnetic qualities which attracts the acceptability of a person and makes the person full of gratitude and kindness. The name ‘Gold’ or ‘Golden’ says it all, gold attracts people because of its sheen. Similarly, golden words attract people and make the person using these words more socially acceptable. These words help to win hearts and make people welcome us with open arms. Being a mother, I can relate when a child doesn’t wish or say Thank you to the people. At that time, it looks like that all are staring at you with their eyes popped out. So, when we know the importance of using these words, then, why not make them full of gratitude towards other...