The Five Golden Words

The Five Golden Words 

Thank you, excuse me, sorry, may I, please. How many times have we heard these words? In all probability, many times a day. Well, if we, can give a formal name to these set of words, then, it ought to be Golden words or Magical words. The reason to name these words magical or Golden is, as these words have the magnetic qualities which attracts the acceptability of a person and makes the person full of gratitude and kindness. The name ‘Gold’ or ‘Golden’ says it all, gold attracts people because of its sheen. Similarly, golden words attract people and make the person using these words more socially acceptable. These words help to win hearts and make people welcome us with open arms.

Being a mother, I can relate when a child doesn’t wish or say Thank you to the people. At that time, it looks like that all are staring at you with their eyes popped out. So, when we know the importance of using these words, then, why not make them full of gratitude towards others. As, we always say, that children need the motivation or encouragement to adapt something so, before teaching our children, we as parents are required to understand the meaning and usage of golden words. The five magical words, which a child should know, and practice are as follows: -

1.       Please- The word ‘please’ has a magical power, when you want some favor from other person, this word comes handy. At home parents can practice by saying simply ‘Can you please get me a spoon from the kitchen? Please, can you get ready for the school quickly?


2.       Thank you- The word, which makes us express our gratitude towards others. Gratitude or Thank you can be  ingrained  through actions. Say, thank you, as many times a day, as it makes the person obliged and grateful. Adapt the word and don’t shy away from saying Thank you to your little ones too. It could be as simple as saying thank you to your little ones for bringing a glass of water for you.

3.       Sorry- There is nothing, more than accepting a wrongdoing. This has to be taught to children, that accepting the mistakes will make them more acceptable and there is nothing wrong in committing a mistake but accepting it will make a lot of difference. Generally, the fear of the consequences of committing something wrong forces the children not to accept their mistake, but once they realize , that accepting mistakes is giving a promise that it will not be done again, they themselves will come forward and accept their action. So, embrace the child’s mistake, but, saying sorry is required.  Do not force the child to say sorry, unless and until child realizes his mistakes, the mere utterance of the word ‘sorry’ will not solve the purpose.

4.       May I - Always take permission before using or touching other’s things. Parents can use the word at home with children like; May I use your pencil for a while? If, you are taking the child to the park and there, he wants to play with his friend’s toy, encourage the child to say, May I play with your toy? Try to make these words a part of child’s life.

5.       Excuse Me - This one is a little tricky, but there is no harm in practicing. e.g.- When you are talking with someone  and suddenly the child interrupts you in between and asks you to listen what he has to say, instead of saying yes or no, ask the child to say, Excuse me Mumma and then you can say ‘give me two minutes’ and then after 2 minutes do connect with your child .

Now, the next question arises as to how one can implement this at home:

1.Practice what you preach.- Start Practicing the golden words at home as the child would be observing and imbibing the same.

2.Pretend play: Play, pretend play with the child. One person doing the act of kindness and the other saying thank you.

3.Make the children know the meaning of each golden word-

These are the magical words which really has the essence of ‘abra-da-cabra.. Start practicing as early as possible, so that when the child is growing up, these words will become the part of his developing language and vocabulary. Believe me, if these words are ingrained at an early age, nobody can snatch it from the children for the rest of their life.

With this, We believe that if all of us irrespective of our age start practicing these golden words, the Earth will be become a wonderful place to be .

Thank you for reading. Stay tuned..


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